
Church Bulletin

August 2020


Temple Baptist Church
1212 Greensburg Road
PO Box 181
Green, OH 44232-0181

Phone: 330-896-1969
24 Hr. Info Line: 330-896-1000

Website: www.tbclighthouse.org

Rev. Glenn E. Rogers, Jr.

Benjamin Jenkins
Youth Director


  People to receive Christ as Savior, our Missionaries, our young people, each other, unsaved family and friends, those going through difficult times, service men and women, our shut-ins, those in nursing homes, the care- givers, unspoken requests, family out of church, those who have recently lost loved ones, Teen Ladies Bible Study Group, G.H.S. Fellowship of Christian Students, our Youth Director, and our Pastor.
  Harvey & Winifred Adkins, Jim Adkins, Gerry Bennett, Shelley Bloom, Zachary Brown, Mary Cumberledge, Dick Detwiler, Dan Ferguson, Patty Harrison, Gary Hoffman, John Horner, Ron Johnson, Diane (Abby) Julian, Shirley Julian, Diane Knight, Hannah Knight, Carl Krites, Carl Lambert, Glenn Leib, Charlene Lyle, Bob McClure, Carolyn Patterson, Don Randall, Ronnie Randall, Stan & Lynne Roach, Katie Rogers, David Smith, Ron & Kathy Summers, Carl Truax, Inez Walden, Ruth Warren, Vivian West, Jerry Whytsell.
  Charlene Lyle
  Mary Horvath – St. Lukes/Portage Lakes, Chuck White – Heritage Villas / N. Canton


Welcome to Temple Baptist Church. We are glad you chose to worship with us. We hope the service is a blessing to you. If you are visiting, please fill out a visitor’s card which is located in the pew in front of you. Fill out the bottom half and drop it in the offering plate. The top half is yours to keep.

Thank you; we invite you to join us again!




Pray where you are. God is present everywhere and ready to listen.

Pray, when possible, in a quiet place where you can be alone. It is good to fix your mind deliberately on God, apart from confusing distractions.

Pray to God simply and naturally, as to a friend. Tell him what is on your mind. Get help from the prayers of others.

Pray, remembering the good things God has done for you. Give thanks for all your blessings.

Pray for God’s forgiveness for the unworthy things you may have done. He is near to a humble and contrite heart.

Pray especially for those things that will make your life more Christlike.

Pray for others, remembering the help they need for the situations they confront.

Pray for the world in its need, and for God to guide you toward ways you can help.

Pray that God’s will be done in you. His purposes are deeper and wiser than our own.

Pray, and then allow God to answer your prayer.


Weekly Services

Sunday Morning – 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Bible Study – 7:00 p.m.


Sunday, August 30th, Communion Service
at 10:30 a.m. We will be using prefilled
communion cups with bread.



Temple Baptist Church - 1212 Greensburg Road
P.O. Box 181 - Green, Ohio 44232-0181
Phone: (330) 896-1969